Concern for the environment is on the agenda, on the world agenda, and action is urgently needed. Each of us can play our part in small everyday gestures, but businesses can take an even more active role in these matters.
Environmental protection can never be discussed enough, especially the need to combat plastic consumption, which, according to the United Nations (UN), is the greatest environmental challenge of the 21st century.
- It is estimated that every year, some 8 to 13 million tons of plastic reach the world’s oceans;
- Over 40% of all plastic produced in the last 150 years was used just once before being disposed of;
- Of all the plastic produced, only 9% is recycled;
- Less than one fifth of the plastic produced is recycled;
- Among the most commonly found materials in the oceans are plastic bags and lids;
- One million plastic bottles are produced per minute.
As an NP EN 14001-certified company, ETMA’s is committed towards minimising the environmental impact of its activities. In addition, ETMA intends to launch several initiatives that specifically address the environmental emergency of our times.
A customer incentive campaign is already being devised for launch in the near future, aimed at contributing to the reduction of the use of plastic in industrial activities.
We know that it is not possible to eliminate plastic consumption entirely at the present time, but it can be substantially reduced. Last year, ETMA used 1950 kg of plastic for packing its goods. In 2020, the company is committed to reducing this figure.
It should be noted that the fulfilment of this objective will only be possible with the support and partnership of our customers. We have already taken our first step, which consists of finding alternatives to the packaging currently in use.