In order to increase the corrosion resistance of the parts, the conductivity or to improve the appearance, ETMA is capable of performing the following surface treatments:
• Electrolytics with deposition of: Zinc, Zinc-Nickel, Nickel, Copper, Silver, Tin
• Chemicals for: phosphatising and oxidation
• Dipping / Spin: Zinc flake coating, top coats and sealants
• Dehydrogenation: performed in all parts of medium and high carbon
• Degreasing / Wash: in closed chamber with perchloroethylene fulfilling European standards
• Deburring / Polishing with abrasives: ceramic and porcelain


• Our team has expertise and proper technical training adapted to the needs of this special process, making measurement of thickness, corrosion resistance and adhesion


• In this domain, ETMA proceeds to the surface treatment of metal parts in a variety of materials: steel, stainless steel, brass and copper


• Automatic line: Zinc and Zinc-nickel – Delta AT2
• Automatic line: Copper, Nickel, Tin and Silver – Delta SO
• Dip/Spin: Lamellar zinc, top coats and sealants – BValverde
• Degreasing – MacDry V2 e EMO Vaiocs Mini II
• Deburring – Rosler and Rollwasch
• Dehydrogenation unit – Termometalicas
• Thickness measurements: Phascope pmp10 , Fischer X-Ray Xu • Salt fog chamber – Himel-Plastoquímica


• Finishes: Zinc plated, nickel plated, Zinc-Nickel, Copper, Tin, Silver, phosphate, oxidised
• Springs, clips, terminals, washers and electrical connectors, tubes, protection boxes, shafts, spindles, screws, among others

10 integrated production processes brochure